Fasting Focused - Personal Training Platform

I collaborated with Fasting Focused making their online platform from the ground up. With my team we successfully marketed the Fasting Focused programs on Facebook, Instagram and Google and achieved incredible results

Used Tech

Technology used: HTML, CSS, JS, React, Next.js, Tailwind, Stripe, Google Analytics.

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TechFundMe - Blockchain Crowdfunding Platform

Developed TechFundMe, a blockchain-based crowdfunding platform focused on supporting technology causes...

Used Tech

Technology used: HTML, CSS, JS, React, Tailwind, Thirdweb, web3, SmartContracts, Solidity.

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Skaf Stones - Exotic Stones Gallery Website

Collaborated with Skaf Stones Masonry, creating platform representing the brand and marketed their business generating new clients...

Used Tech

Technology used: HTML, CSS, JS, ejs, bootstrap, mongodb, mongoose, node.js, express.js.

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